Friday, 26 November 2010

Russell Brand's second Booky Wook is amaaazing..

In oh-so-many ways. There are English reality T.V. show pop culture references that I GET! The details may bore others.. I'm sure no one needs to know who was who on Big Brother Series 6 and 7. I don't know why I needed to know.. I guess it was part of my being in another culture and immersing myself in it on a superficial level.
Suffice to say, identifying with smidgeons of Russel's memories and reminiscing about my time in England makes my heart sing. But this book is really amazing because of Russell's wonderful way with words and descriptions that make me laugh my pants off.

And check out what we all have to look forward to.!!1

22 November 2010

Saturday, 20 November 2010